Pa State Senator Guy Reschenthaler

Pennsylvania state senator Guy Reschenthaler (R-37) has introduced a bill that would limit the state’s regulation of methane gas emissions from Marcellus drilling operations.

The legislation, SB175, would prohibit the imposition of methane standards more stringent in Pennsylvania than those set by the federal Environmental Protection Agency.

In a message to fellow legislators Reschenthaler wrote: 

“Over the past year, the EPA has announced several significant new regulatory requirements to control methane emissions. However, efforts in Pennsylvania to expand standards and requirements beyond those mandated by the federal government continue to place our state at a competitive economic disadvantage. These actions harm job creation and discourage capital investment across the Commonwealth, all while providing little if any tangible environmental benefit for our communities.

“Pennsylvania job creators and those in our communities that depend on them would benefit significantly from avoiding a duplicative, confusing, and costly patchwork of standards. ”    

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