Week’s top environmental & political news: Dec 17-21
Some of the top environmental and political news stories appearing in
EnviroPolitics from Dec. 17 -21. Captured from newspapers and other
information sources in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York and beyond.
Greenhouse gas plan aids polluters, critics contend A plan to combat global warming in New Jersey could end up subsidizing power plants that put more green-house gases into the air, environmental groups complain. The so-called “cap and trade” bill (S2976) would allow NJ to join nine other Northeastern states seeking to cut emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases from power plants Bergen Record Star-Ledger
Jon, like Arnold, pumped up with anger at EPA NJ will consider suing the federal government over the EPA’s refusal to let states adopt stricter-than-federal auto emission standards Star-Ledger Bergen Record
Hundreds of fish perish in plant shutdown A few hundred bluefish had died as of late Wednesday afternoon from exposure to cold water after the Oyster Creek nuclear power plant in Lacey had to be shut down; thousands more face death AP Press
Demand grows for commuter rail lines With NJ Transit setting another recordfor the number of people riding its trains and buses, the agency also has to find waysto keep from being a victim of its success AP Press
> Port Authority to add cars to Newark/WTC line Jersey Journal
> After a rocky past, Amtrak’s rolling Amtrak ridership jumped to a record 25.8 million passengers in last Fiscal Year Star-Ledger
New Jersey Politics
Officer refuses to testify in waterfront agency probe The first person to be subpoenaed in the probe of the region’s waterfront watchdog agency has refused totestify Star-Ledger
Senator Kenney’s state trooper escort If police know what happened to state Sen. Bernard Kenny, they’re not saying. But enough scenarios exist to warrant state-trooper protection PolitickerNJ Wally Edge blog
Death row disappears as Corzine signs bill Gov. Jon Corzine signed historic legislation abolishing the state’s death penalty yesterday, clearing death row at New Jersey State Prison and providing an epitaph for what he called “state-endorsed killing”in the pursuit of justice Star-Ledger Cartoon
A rough journey from Wall Street to State Street Corzine is under fire fromunions, environmentalists, the NAACP and other liberal constituencies who have begun to wonder if he really is the progressive capitalist they thought they were helpingto elect. The state faces a $3B shortfall and $32B in debt and his plan to “restructure” the state’s finances by raising Turnpike tolls is stalled. His relationship with the Legislature is tenuous Star-Ledger
Pennsylvania Environment
Editorial: The GOP’s EPA muscles in The U.S. Environmental Rejection, er, Protection Agency handed down yet another puzzling decision Wednesday. It said California could not mandate emissions standards for new cars and trucks that are tougher than the federal ones. Actually, blame for the decision shouldn’t go to the entire EPA. It was made by EPA administrator Stephen L. Johnson, who overruled the unanimous recommendation of the agency’s legal and technical staffs Inquirer
PPL to apply for third unit at nuclear plant PPL Corp. will seek permissionto build a third reactor at the atomic power plant it operates in northeastern PA Daily Item Standard-Speaker
Report: Reservoirs could have lowered floodwaters by 6 feet Report by Roger Ruggles, head of civil and environmental engineering at Lafayette College in Easton, provides the clearest analysis to date supporting the argument put forth by flood-control advocates Pocono Record
Army Corps to clean Armstrong County nuclear dump The Army Corps of Engineers will cleanup more than 50,000 tons of nuclear waste, but will leave behind other materials containing potentially dangerous heavy metals AP
Pennsylvania Politics
Smith calls Rendell-Lane story a “whitewash” House Majority Sam Smith, R-Jefferson, isn’t buying Gov. Ed Rendell’s story on the reason why Philadelphia TVnews anchor Alycia Lane called the governor after her arrest for assaulting a New York police officer Patriot News
Senator who? Unlike Rick Santorum, who was known for exasperating foes and even supporters with incendiary remarks and hardball politics, Bob Casey Jr.’s first year in the Senate has been mostly quiet Patriot-News
New York/U.S./World
Environmentalists sue state over ‘brownfields’ Ithaca Journal
Trump takes another go at Jones Beach plans Newsday
LI gas customers to pay $82.4 million more Newsday
Park plan is chosen for Governor’s Island NY Times
Utilities told to switch to time-of-day rates Ithaca Journal
DEC scrambles to catch up on enviro projects Democrat & Chronicle
Bali forum backs climate ‘Road Map’ Washington Post
> Climate plan looks beyond Bush’s tenure New York Times
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Week’s top environmental & political news: Dec 17-21 Read More »