CBS 2 reports
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Wear a mask and stay six feet away from other people during the nice weather this weekend — or find yourself with a summons or even in handcuffs, Mayor de Blasio warned Friday.
Forecast highs in the 70s on Saturday and Sunday present a “danger” if cooped-up New York City residents venture outside without masks, crowd public spaces and ignore social distancing measures meant to stop coronavirus, said the mayor.
“The nice weather is very much a threat to us,” de Blasio said on WNYC Friday.
“There’s nothing wrong with going out and getting some exercise and getting back home,” he added. “Go out for a little bit, but don’t go out for too much. Don’t gather, don’t try and do the things we would normally do on a beautiful spring day.”
A thousand cops will spread out in city parks to enforce what de Blasio called a “no tolerance for gatherings” policy.
“We’re going straight to summons,” de Blasio said. He added: “If someone resists the summons, we’re going to arrest.”
Cops on bicycles and horses will be among the officers enforcing the rules, said NYPD Chief of Department Terence Monahan.
Officers are under orders not to tolerate organized sports, parties, or other gatherings.
“The days of warnings are over,” Monahan said.
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