PA Gov. Tom Wolf and Chief of Staff Katie McGinty

Pennsylvania’s new governor, Tom Wolf, promised voters he will protect the environment and public health through tighter controls on natural gas drilling. He also said he would provide more money for education and other programs by getting the gas industry to pay more for the privilege of operating in the Keystone State.

Policy Director John Hanger

The moderate Democrat’s plans may not sit well with many in the Republican-controlled legislature who are quite kindly disposed to the companies that introduced fracking to the state.

PADEP Secretary nominee John Quigley
Fractivists protest at Gov. Wolf’s inauguration ceremony

Nor might new regulations and fees satisfy an activist segment of the environmental community that wants Wolf to follow neighboring New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo in banning fracking entirely.

So, who has Gov. Wolf selected to help him with his daunting environmental agenda, and what can he reasonably expect to accomplish in his administration’s early going?

DCNR nominee Cindy Adams Dunn

In the latest episode of our EnviroPolitics Podcast, we review the backgrounds of those he has appointed to key environmental and advisory positions.

We also speak with State Rep. Kate Harper
  with environmental advocacy organization PennFuture’s Director of Outreach
Andrew Smart, and with Cindy Adams Dunn, who was PennFuture’s president at the time. Weeks later, she was selected by Gov. Wolf to lead the  Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.

You’ll find lots of valuable information here. Let us know what you think and consider subscribing to our free podcast on iTunes (Apple) or Stitcher (Android). If you do, you’ll be alerted to all new episodes.

Episode 10: Pa. Gov. Wolf’s new environmental lineup – Interview with Cindy Dunn

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