The Philadelphia Inquirer‘s Andrew Maykuth reports:

A utility’s announcement that it’s about to rip up a neighborhood’s streets typically generates dread among the locals.

But the mood was festive Monday in a section of Tredyffrin Township, where Peco Energy Co. had a ceremonial groundbreaking to mark the site where it will dig trenches in seven streets over the next three months to bring natural-gas service to 160 homes.

“This was a long time coming,” said Melinda Taylor, a resident of Saunders Drive in Wayne and one of the principal organizers of the effort to enlist Peco to extend gas service in the neighborhood of mid-century homes.

The Saunders-Wayne project is the largest of 10 new gas-main extensions  Peco has approved this year, after the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission signed off on a pilot project designed to reduce the upfront cost to customers of extending gas mains into a new area. The new gas mains reach 290 customers, of which 93 have signed up for service.

Read the full story here 

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