In today’s Philadelphia Inquirer, Linda Loyd sends a dispatch from the front lines where forces are being marshaled for the ‘Battle of the Port Titans.’

Two prominent marine-terminal operators with big stakes in the Delaware River each want to manage and control some of the 200 acres known as Southport, at the eastern end of the Navy Yard, south of the Walt Whitman Bridge.

“Vying for the millions of dollars in business opportunities that could result: John Brown Jr., president of Penn Warehousing and Distribution Inc., a paper-import company that operates from Piers 38 and 40 and 78 and 80, who also runs Murphy Marine Services at the Port of Wilmington; and the Holt family, whose companies operate the Packer Avenue Marine Terminal and Gloucester Terminals L.L.C. in Gloucester City.
Vincent J. Fumo: “I wrote the law on the PRPA.”

Here’s where it gets interesting-enter the politicians

“Brown said he had hired former state Sen. Vincent J. Fumo, a longtime family friend, to advise him in his Southport efforts. He did so, Brown said, after learning that the Holts had been trying to team up with an energy company to develop Southport without an open bid process, known as a request-for-proposals (RFP).   

Listen to this quote from tough-guy Vince Fumo

“As a senator, I wrote the law on the PRPA,” Fumo said. “I’m very familiar with its powers, its duties. I’ve represented the waterfront for 31 years. I know it inside out. And I will bet you this deal will not go down as envisioned by Corbett and his henchmen. How I do it, and what advice I give to do it, and who I direct to do it, is my business and my client’s business. I’m not going to give you proprietary information on how I work.”

The Holts have there own political fire power. The story, which is just unfolding, should be great fun to watch.

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