“After a decade of quietly, painstakingly sowing their seeds, Rutgers agricultural scientists are finally reaping the fruits of their labor. And soon, so can you. It is the mother of all strawberries — one cultivated by cross-breeding different types of strawberry plants over the years until the best traits of all come together in one blessed blossom,” John Petrick reports today in The Record.

“The “Rutgers Scarlet,” as it is appropriately named, is being unveiled this month. What’s its great appeal? It’s sweet – but not too sweet, say its growers. Acidic, but just a touch. It has just the right bouquet, and color. The strawberry emerged through endless rounds of taste-testing among farmers in the field, scientists in the lab and focus groups in the board room.”

Read John’s story to learn when and how you can get your hands on (and teeth into) a Rutgers


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