Pinelands lake – Photo:
The New Jersey Senate’s Judiciary Committee yesterday held off action on two nominees to
the Pinelands Commission whose appointment conservationists feared would tip the balance of the agency to support a controversial 22-mile natural gas pipeline through the heart of the preserve.
NJ Spotlight‘s Tom Johnson reports:

At a hearing where senators repeatedly questioned the nominees about their views on the project, few specific answers were forthcoming on how they stood on the proposal, which was blocked by the Pinelands Commission in a vote this past January.

The nominations are viewed as important because the nominees would replace two commissioners who voted to block the pipeline, which also sparked opposition from four former governors — Democrats Brendan Byrne and Jim Florio and Republicans Tom Kean and Christie Whitman.

Related energy and environmental news:  

Christie nominees to Pinelands panel held amid pipeline controversy Senate forgoes vote on Pinelands panel nominees

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