The emerging framework is a major breakthrough in talks following back-to-back mass shootings. Negotiators’ next challenge: writing legislation that can get 60 votes.

Sen. John Cornyn attends a hearing.
Texas Sen. John Cornyn, along with Sens. Chris Murphy, Kyrsten Sinema, and Thom Tillis, is the lead negotiators on the proposal. | Jacquelyn Martin/AP Photo

Updated: 06/12/2022 12:24 PM EDT

In a Sunday morning statement, 10 senators in each party announced support for the deal. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer blessed it, vowing to “put this bill on the floor as soon as possible,” and President Joe Biden said it “would be the most significant gun safety legislation to pass Congress in decades.” The president urged both chambers of Congress to finish the package quickly.

The emerging package is anchored around extra scrutiny for gun buyers under the age of 21, grants to states to implement so-called red flag laws, and new spending on mental health treatment and school security. While translating the agreement into legislation will take time, the large group of supportive senators shows that the package could gain 60 votes on the Senate floor before heading to the House.

“Our plan saves lives while also protecting the constitutional rights of law-abiding Americans. We look forward to earning broad, bipartisan support and passing our commonsense proposal into law,” the 20 senators said in their statement.

Related news:
Senators Reach Bipartisan Deal on Gun Safety (NY Times)
Gun Deal Is Less Than Democrats Wanted, but More Than They Expected
450 marches nationwide against gun violence (EP Blog)
Tens of thousands march for gun control (BBC News video)
Senators call on YouTube to crack down on ‘ghost gun’ videos (ABC)

Sens. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), John Cornyn (R-Texas), Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.), and Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) are the lead negotiators on the proposal. The most significant piece of the proposal would subject gun buyers 21 and younger to the scrutiny of their criminal and mental health records as juveniles. It’s proved tricky to write because each state has different laws governing juvenile records.

A broader bipartisan group has held its own regular meetings on guns over the past three weeks since the elementary school shooting in Uvalde, Texas. And with Democrats controlling only 50 Senate seats, the approval of 10 Republicans is critical to moving forward.

Read the full story here

EnviroPolitics reader: What do you think about the approach taken by this proposed legislation? Is it enough to make a significant dent in the problem of gun violence in America? Is it less than acceptable because it dodges the issue of military-style weapons? Is it the best we can hope for and should be embraced? Or is it a placebo that will enable Congress to duck any significant action for years? If gun control is important to you, let us know what you think in the comments.

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