Dixon Brothers, location on Cobb Street in Rockaway, is the first biodiesel retail fueling stations in Morris County–and one of only
two in New Jersey–where customers can set their own blend of conventional diesel fuel and a domestically produced, renewable soybean product.Daily Record writer Megan Van Dyk reports today that Jennifer and Sally Pierson, who are the fourth-generation family owners of the business, invested $25,000 to install a heated storage facility where the 100 percent bio is kept in a tank aside a diesel tank. Pipes leading to the self-serving pump outside mix the two fuels to the customer’s specifications–ranging from 2 percent bio to 20 percent bio.Biodiesel produces less pollution and improves the longevity of diesel engines because of improved lubrication, and it can be used in existing diesel engines without the need for modifications. For now, Dixon Brothers is offering its biodiesel at five cents more per gallon than regular diesel fuel, which Levitt admits can be a hard sell in this economy.The company is pitching its product to area municipalities alongside information about the state’s Biodiesel Fuel Rebate Program, which offers rebates to government entities for the price-per-gallon difference between biodiesel and regular diesel to fuel their fleet of construction vehicles, police cars and school buses.The first company in New Jersey to offer biodiesel was Maplewood-based Woolley Fuel, which opened its pump in December. Demand for biofuel is “one of the few things that has increased every month,” said Norman Woolley Jr., the company’s vice president.Related:
ChemrezTech earnings up on stronger biodiesel sales
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