It’s been all the talk. How gas drillers in Pennsylvania can’t get high enough prices for the natural gas they’re fracking due to an oversupply, a manufacturing lull, a still-sagging economy, not-yet-developed markets.You name it.

What we’ve been reading everywhere is that production is off. 

But hold on. Today, Pittsburgh Business Times reporter Anya Litvak writes:

Low gas prices be damned. The state’s Marcellus operators pulled 1.15 trillion cubic feet of gas out of the ground in the second half of 2012, more than during the prior six months, and the six months before that, and the six months before that

Read Anya’s full story here.

So what’s going on? Are the stories we’ve been reading examples of intentional misdirection? If so, why? Who gains?

Or are they proof that the media needs to learn a lot more about the gas drilling industry’s operations and markets?

Can anyone out there educate us on this?  We’d really like to know.

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