Officials from one of America’s biggest offshore wind projects underway by Shell and EDF endured an uncomfortable evening as they were lambasted by a raucous group of sector opponents. 

By Tim Ferry, RECHARGE

New Jerseyans are known for being forthright (some might even say “rude”), so in some ways it’s not surprising that representatives of the 1.5GW Atlantic Shores offshore wind development heard an earful at the project’s recent public scoping hearing in Atlantic City.

Held at the city’s headquarters, the hearing was ostensibly aimed at gaining comments on the Shell-EDF joint venture (JV)’s proposed landing site for the project on the beach at 35th Street and the onshore transmission cable route beneath city streets to the point of grid interconnection at the Cardiff substation in nearby Egg Harbour Township.

Offshore wind’s supporters came to the meeting ready to lay out the benefits of the industry to an area whose last great economic revival came from the casinos that line its seafront.

Related offshore wind energy news:
Opponents fill Atlantic City offshore wind hearing
Wind Execs Catch Hell At Atlantic City Public Hearing

What the wind power employees and other officials may not have been prepared for, however, was the sheer level of vitriol on display from the 100 or so attending, who had more on their minds than cables and whose views reflect the extreme end of a wave of opposition that’s making life uncomfortable for offshore wind projects from New Jersey to Eastern England.

“You are greedy, evil, lying people. We don’t want you here – get out! Stay out of our ocean!” Atlantic City resident Louise Rosanio shouted into the microphone just feet away from Atlantic Shores’ representatives to raucous cheers from the crowd, with the police and security staff looking on providing a clue that this would be no genteel affair.

Rosanio’s comments were typical and Atlantic Shores’ outside counsel Jim Boyd, meeting chair, repeatedly stopped proceedings to allow the stenographer to hear and transcribe each speaker.

“It’s unfortunate that these are the only opportunity people have to be heard,” New Jersey resident and prolific industry critic Mike Dean told Recharge on the sidelines.

Dean claimed that the developer hasn’t publicised similar hearings in the past, and at other meetings, didn’t allow public comment.

“It’s one of the few opportunities people have to express their opposition,” he added.

The developer didn’t respond directly to any of the comments at the hearing but instead will release a document addressing each one.

“One of Atlantic Shores’ core values is ‘be a good neighbour’ and we think public hearings are just one of many ways for the community to have their voice heard on major infrastructure projects,” a representative for the developer told Recharge.

What became clear during the meeting was that any legitimate concerns expressed at the meeting were mixed in with half-truths and conspiracy theories of the kind familiar on certain regions of the internet.

Read the full story here

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