William Brennan who has filed a criminal complaint against Gov. Christie |
Mike Kelly, columnist for The Record, writes:
Bill Brennan was a man on a self-professed mission on that Tuesday this past September when he drove from his home in Wayne to the federal courthouse in Newark.
Inside a fifth-floor courtroom, David Wildstein, the alleged mastermind of the Bridgegate scandal was on the witness stand telling a jury that Governor Christie, who insisted he knew nothing about the gridlock that clogged Fort Lee’s streets near the George Washington Bridge during a five-day stretch in September 2013, actually was informed about the traffic jams as they were taking place.
Brennan, 50, a former Teaneck firefighter with a history of filing lawsuits and other court actions against government officials, had heard enough.
He left the courthouse and drove straight to Fort Lee, where he signed a criminal complaint charging Christie with official misconduct for not taking action to alleviate what officials in the crowded borough insist was a serious emergency.
What seemed at the time to be little more than a quirky, Quixotic legal stunt by a man long-regarded as one of North Jersey’s most nettlesome gadflies, has now taken on a life of its own
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