After a ‘summer recess’ stretching back to early July, NJ lawmakers are back in Trenton for a lame-duck session running through early January 2024.
One of the first scheduled committees to meet is the:
Senate Environment and Energy
10:00 AM, November 20,2023
Committee Room 6, 1st Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
S2978 – Revises State renewable energy portfolio standards.
S3258 – Appropriates $28,670,924 in 2003 and 1992 bond act monies for loans for dam restoration and repair projects and inland waters projects.
S3863 – Establishes program, in DEP, for acquisition of development easements on privately-owned woodlands.
S3909 – Establishes conditions for net metering for authorized food waste recycling facilities.
S3928 – Authorizes State Treasurer to appoint Garden State Preservation Trust acting executive director under certain conditions.
S3996 – Directs DEP to establish a leasing program for State-owned land to be used and managed as pollinator habitat.
A2810 – Directs DEP to establish a leasing program for State-owned land to be used and managed as pollinator habitat.
S3992 – Requires electric public utilities to develop and implement grid modernization plans; appropriates $300 million.
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