Each of them is a competitive 2018
re-election race. Two are from New Jersey, one from New York.

Supporters of the Affordable Care Act rally in 2017.

Josh  Israel reports for Think Progress:
With their party majority in extreme peril in November’s midterm elections, House Republicans are facing a dilemma. While they ran on a pledge to “repeal and replace” the Affordable Care Act, support for Obamacare now far exceeds support for the GOP-controlled Congress. Several incumbents have employed a bold strategy: hide the evidence of their position.
ThinkProgress examined the campaign websites of dozens of Republican incumbents in races deemed competitive by the Cook Political Report. More than 30 of those candidates omit mention of Obamacare repeal on their main page and any issues sections. But the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine reveals that on at least 15 of those candidates did explicitly mention their intention to gut the law on their 2016 campaign sites.
All of these lawmakers but two voted to strip millions of Americans of their health insurance via the American Health Care Act — known as TrumpCare. One of the holdouts, Rep. Leonard Lance (R-NJ), said at the time that while he opposed the specific legislation, he remained “committed to repealing and replacing Obamacare.” The other, Rep. David Joyce (R-OH), reaffirmed he would “always keep an open mind on working to repeal the federal government-controlled healthcare system and replace it with a patient-centered bill that has real reforms and makes health care more accessible and affordable to all Ohio families.”
The list includes:

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