Drive the plastic highway? How a California company’s innovative repaving process could lead to the ‘holy grail’ of road construction.

By Jorge L. Ortiz, USA Today

Plastic bottles by the side of a road are a common sight, an unseemly reminder of how often consumer products are discarded carelessly.

Now some of those bottles may become part of the road.

A California company has devised a process that integrates recycled plastic into road repaving, an innovation that could revolutionize the industry while yielding environmental benefits.

Sean Weaver, president of TechniSoil Industrial in the northern California city of Redding, says the polymer-infused roads churned out by the company’s pavement process are sturdier, flatter, safer and more durable than those made with regular asphalt.

More appealing to environmentalists, they incorporate 100% of the old asphalt – sparing the air from dozens of trips by trucks hauling away and bringing in building material – and provide a new market for plastic products that could otherwise wind up in a landfill.

“Everybody that’s looked at it said this will be one of the most transformative road-construction technologies ever,’’ Weaver said. “We’re recycling what’s there, and we’re delivering a road that’s better than the original, at no higher cost than it would cost you to rehab that road the traditional way.’’

TechniSoil workers get the newly repaved road ready before the steam roller flattens it.

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