Under a $12 million settlement with the United
States and the state of New York, Tonawanda Coke Corporation will pay $2.75
million in civil penalties, spend approximately $7.9 million to reduce air
pollution and enhance air and water quality, and spend an additional $1.3
million for environmental projects in the area of Tonawanda, NY. 

agreement was announced jointly by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Regional Administrator Judith A. Enck, U.S. Assistant Attorney General John C.
Cruden, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC)
Commissioner Joseph Martens and New York State Attorney General Eric T.

According to EPA’s news release:

“Under the consent decree lodged today in federal court in
the Western District of New York, Tonawanda Coke must improve its processes,
operations and monitoring for coke oven gas leaks, assess key equipment, repair
or replace equipment, install new pollution controls, and take many additional
measures under a prescribed schedule. 
This work, estimated to cost approximately $7.9 million, will secure
significant reductions of benzene, ammonia and particulate matter emissions
from the plant, improving air quality in Tonawanda and protecting public health.
Benzene is a carcinogen.
“The settlement also requires Tonawanda Coke to pay a
$1.75 million civil penalty to the United States to resolve violations of the
Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, and the Emergency Planning and Community
Right-to-know Act, and pay a $1 million civil penalty to the State of New York,
which is a co-plaintiff with the United States. 
In addition to the state penalty, Tonawanda Coke will pay another $1
million to fund projects that will benefit the environment and the residents of

“Additionally, $357,000 will
be provided to Ducks Unlimited, a not for profit organization, to acquire and
preserve wetlands. In addition to protecting and enhancing water quality,
wetlands reduce flooding, filter pollutants, and provide habitat for fish and
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