A Toolkit for Incorporating Food Waste in Municipal Climate Action Plans


 Authors: Linda Breggin, Akielly Hu, and Sam Koenig

Climate change and food waste are two key challenges faced by municipalities across the country. Cities are on the front lines of efforts to mitigate and adapt to the impacts of climate change. They are also responsible for managing increasing volumes of solid waste and feeding the growing number of food-insecure members of their communities. While cities are making headway in addressing both of these intractable challenges, many are missing a key opportunity to address them simultaneously—in their climate action plans.

This toolkit is intended to fill a gap by providing municipalities and stakeholders with model provisions that will make it easier to incorporate food waste measures into municipal climate action plans. The toolkit provides an easily accessible menu of options that include measures to prevent food waste, rescue surplus food, and recycle food scraps.

This report and other resources on food waste reduction are available through ELI’s Food Waste Initiative

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