Business, government and environmental leaders who subscribe
to EnviroPolitics accessed full versions of the environmental news
stories below in today’s edition

and dozens more!

In Pennsylvania

Dimock rejects Binghamton water offer A raucous atmosphere
took hold among a crowd of about 150 people at the Dimock municipal building
Monday night, as the township supervisors weighed Binghamton Mayor Matthew T.
Ryan ‘s proposal to truck City of Binghamton water to 11 Dimock families Gannett
story & video

EPA criticizes state
for shale air pollution rules
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
has strongly criticized PA’s new policy guidelines for regulating air
pollutants emitted by Marcellus Shale gas wells and development sites located
in close proximity to one another Post-Gazette 

In New Jersey

Garbage industry still
a haven for organized crime?
Enterprising criminals continue
to find a comfortable home in New Jersey’s solid-waste industry, slipping
through shoddy regulations and weak enforcement, according to a state
report issued Tuesday
by the

Bear hunt
protestors win court battle
Animal protection activists won
a small battle early Monday afternoon, when a state appeals court gave
them limited permission to protest the state-approved bear hunt outside
the high-traffic weigh station on Route 23 in Franklin

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