[UPDATE at 12:55 p.m. The Asbury Park Press is also publishing a live rally update. So, too is the Philadelphia Inquirer}
By Frank Brill, EnviroPolitics Editor
Some came to Wildwood, NJ as early as Sunday and have remained staked out through the nights and the cold, hoping to be among the 7000 who will be allowed to cram into the Willwood Convention Center tonight to hear President Donald Trump excoriate his impeachment trial, Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, and Democrats in general.
Trump tee-shirt and hot coffee vendors were making a killing and counter-protests are expected.
The Press of Atlantic City is doing a nice job covering the leadup to the event. The paper started out this morning with Diehards in Wildwood camping out for Tuesday’s Trump rally, along with a Photo Gallery.
Check for live updates throughout the day.

Snippet from today’s AC Press coverage
WILDWOOD — On the sidewalk outside Fox Park across from Kelly’s Cafe on Monday morning, Maria Poalillo teared up when she spoke of Donald Trump.
“I’m so happy he’s my president,” said Poalillo, 64, of Totowa, Passaic County.
She had been camped there with her sister, Toni Patacco, 54, also of Totowa, since Sunday afternoon, making the pair some of the earliest arrivals for Tuesday evening’s rally featuring the president and U.S. Rep. Jeff Van Drew at the Wildwoods Convention Center.
Just before Poalillo became choked up, cars flew by beeping their horns in recognition of their support, as the drivers pumped their fists out their windows. Poalillo and those around them howled and cheered in response.
“I can’t do this in Northern New Jersey, OK? Because they’ll smack me in the face,” she said. “Very Democratic. Nasty Democrats! Nasty! Mean.”
Those supportive motorists honking their approval represent the general vibe in town since this weekend, Poalillo said.
“One finger. One guy gave us the finger,” she said. “So out of 500 cars, one finger, that’s really good.”
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