New Jersey’s environmental leaders reacted on Wednesday to the election of Donald Trump with shock, despair and anger as the prospect of a diminished Environmental Protection Agency began to take hold.

David Giambusso writes for Politico:

Gov. Chris Christie has not been an environmental champion during his tenure,
the EPA under President Obama has often been an important ally in New Jersey’s
fight to clean up decades of toxic waste, air pollution and water pollution.
Now, with
a year left under some kind of Republican leadership both at the state and
federal level, environmental advocates and Democrats expressed deep concerns
about potential damage, and pinned their hopes more strongly than ever on a
Democratic governor in 2017.

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New Jersey is grappling
with a host of chemicals in its drinking water, thanks to industrial polluters
from decades past. There are also a number of Superfund sites throughout the
state. Emissions from power generators and transportation are a major concern. All
of these issues are under the purview of the EPA.
belief is that Trump will appoint an administrator to the EPA that will not
have the interests of the planet at heart,” state Sen. Bob Smith said in
an interview. “Whatever progress we were starting to make under Obama I
think it’s going to be trashed. I don’t want to sound like a doomsday prophet
but that election was not good for the environment.”
and green groups are engaged in multiple battles in New Jersey to protect air
quality, remove lead chromium and the chemical PFOA from drinking water, cut
emissions from power generators, slow the spread of pipelines throughout the
state and protect the Highlands and Pinelands regions from encroaching
development. Victories against the Christie administration have been rare and
now prospects for future gains seem even more bleak.
John McKeon, vice chairman of the Committee on Environment and Solid Waste,
said he wanted to wait and see if Trump’s actions will match his campaign
rhetoric, which he called frightening.
During his campaign, Trump
called global warming a hoax, said he plans to roll back regulations on fossil
fuels, pull the nation out of international efforts to address climate change
and dismantle limits on emissions from power plants.
“The prospect of
someone that doesn’t believe in climate change being at the helm of the federal
government with a Republican Senate and Congress is a real difficult
thought,” McKeon said in an interview. “I know how much damage Chris
Christie was able to do in New Jersey and he was just the governor.”
As governor, Christie
pulled the state of the Regional Greenhouse Initiative, encouraged the expansion
of natural gas pipelines and has sought to loosen restrictions on development
near high quality water sources.
Environmental leaders now
are gunning for 2017 with renewed determination.
“We’re lining up all
this legislation, vetting it and getting it ready for what we hope will be a
Democratic governor,” Smith said.
Among the legislative
priorities are clean energy funding, solar expansion, Highlands and Pinelands
protections, electronic waste and food waste.
“In many ways we’re
going to have, potentially, a reverse scenario,” to now, said Doug O’Malley,
head of Environment New Jersey. “There’s a likelihood we’ll have to be
defending against federal rollbacks but we’ll have a more progressive
environmental leader in the Statehouse.”
He said that organization
will be key if Trump starts cutting back EPA protections. One bright spot in
Tuesday’s election for New Jersey greens is that their ranks are likely to
“There’s not really a
silver lining but when you have conservative administration, people take
notice,” O’Malley said. “We’ll likely see more people joining
organizations because they’re going to be outraged by Trump.”
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