Are you taking advantage of the wide variety of educational and networking events available every month in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York and Delaware?

Here are just a few and they’re all taking place in just a three-day span:

March 29 – Energy Economics & Green Business Fair-Expo

March 30 – Environmental Business Roundtable

March 30 – Association of New Jersey Recyclers 2011 Annual Meeting 

March 30 – The Role of the Consultant in Environmental Litigation
March 30-31 – Twenty Second annual GLOBALCON Conference & Expo 

March 30 –
Free NJDEP Air Compliance and Enforcement Seminar
March 31 – NJ/PA Sustainability Symposium 2011 
March 31 – Gas Drilling, Sustainability and Energy Policy

March 31 – Third Annual Mid-Atlantic Cleantech Investment Forum

See our 
Enviro-Events Calendar for details on the above events–and plenty more! 
While you’re on the site, sign up for free email updates. Or get them posted to your reader.

Environmental bills up for votes on Mar 21 in NJ Senate


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