[March 3 Editor’s Note: As it turns out, the story below had no legs. EPA regional administrator Judith Enck says that the air monitor in question was operated by the
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection "in accordance with EPA’s rules"
and that
air-quality concentration did not exceed health standards.
NJ.com’s Tony Dearing explains it all]  

"Amid all the investigations into the lane closures on the George Washington Bridge last fall, yet another inquiry has been launched by a federal agency into what happened and why," Tom Johnson reports today in NJ Spotlight.

"But this investigation has nothing to do with who ordered the shutdown. It focuses instead on why an air-quality monitor closest to the bridge was inoperative for a few days during the lane closures, when drivers were stuck in a massive traffic jam for hours on the busiest motor vehicle bridge in the world, spewing pollution into the air.

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“Why should people care? The monitor is used to measure the amount of fine particulates in the air, a dangerous pollutant from trucks, cars and buses. The state only recently achieved compliance with federal air quality standards that safeguard human health—decades after the Clean Air Act was enacted.”

Read the full story here

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