Things you might like to know about Gina McCarthy:

  1. She was nominated yesterday by President Obama to be the next administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, replacing New Jerseyan Lisa Jackson.
  2. She is 58, a Boston-area native (has the accent to prove it) and currently heads the EPA’s air and radiation office.

  3. Her nomination requires her to gain the approval of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee where the ranking Republican, David Vitter of Louisiana and senior Republican member John Barrasso of Wyoming are solid supporters of oil and gas and do not think kindly of the EPA.

  4. But some folks you’d expect to oppose her do not. Seven unlikely supporters

  5. She served as DEP Commissioner for former Republican Gov. Jodi Rell in Connecticut. During her tenure, she helped lay the groundwork for RGGI, the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative. (NJ Governor Chris Christie, are you listening?) 
  6. She also worked for Mitt Romney when he was the Republican governor of Massachusetts. There she  helped implement strict standards to reduce carbon and mercury pollution from power plants. That was before Romney ran for president and promised to abolish the EPA.
    (Gov. Christie: Don’t worry, Mitt says you’re not to blame for his loss. No kidding)

  7. She reportedly shoots a mean game of pool and has a wicked sense of humor.

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More on Gina McCarthy:
Gina McCarthy, EPA’s air chief, nominated to head agency – Washington Post
Gina McCarthy for EPA could be Obama’s most significant nominee 
Gina McCarthy is a fine choice to head the EPA. – Hartford Courant
Meet Obama’s EPA pick: Gina McCarthy | "Global Possibilities"
Gina McCarthy on the Fuel Economy Label -YouTube
Obama Names New Energy Secretary, EPA Director
Nomination sets stage for struggles on climate change

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