The ADL wants the central Pennsylvania Republican to do the obvious. You wouldn’t think it would be this hard. 
An opinion piece from the Pennsylvania Capital Star

In a normal universe, the baseless and appalling QAnon conspiracy theory would be the plot to the worst action thriller you’ve ever seen.

If you don’t know by now, QAnon adherents subscribe to the utterly bonkers proposition that President Donald Trump is heroically fighting against a diffuse and secretive cabal of devil worshippers and child molesters scattered across the most elite levels of government, business, and the media. 

To take it to its “Sharknado-iest” extremes, the theory also posits that a violent reckoning is coming, and that such high-profile pols as Hillary Clinton will be arrested and executed for their nonexistent role in it, according to the BBC

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But this isn’t a normal universe. It’s Donald Trump’s America, 2020. And QAnon adherents aren’t just harmless cranks. 

They’ve been legitimized by Trump. Some of their number are on the fast-track to Congress. Others have resorted to violence, with one notably sentenced to prison for opening fire in a Washington D.C. pizzeria because he wrongly believed the false argument that children were being held there against their will in a sex-trafficking ring.  

So, in what seems like a pretty basic ask, the Greater Philly chapter of the Anti-Defamation League would really appreciate it if U.S. Rep. Scott Perry, R-10th District, would disavow QAnon. And Perry, for reasons that defy all logic, absolutely cannot bring himself to do it, leaving ADL officials disappointed, but not entirely surprised. 

“For people like him and President Donald Trump to not call it out is just irresponsible,” Shira Goodman, the director of the Philadelphia regional office of the ADL, told the Capital-Star on Wednesday.
In case you missed it, Perry’s vote against a congressional resolution condemning QAnon has become an issue in his re-election race against Democratic state Auditor General Eugene DePasquale

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