Dilworth Park is getting a new coffee kiosk — and not everyone’s pleased.
Rendering of the incoming coffee kiosk at Dilworth Park

Rendering of the incoming coffee kiosk at Dilworth Park



Michaela Winberg reports for BillyPenn

Coming soon to the southwest corner of Dilworth Park is something the northwest corner already has: a Starbucks. Construction has begun on a walk-up kiosk that will serve over-the-counter beverages and snacks. The stand will have a green roof and be wrapped with green wall trellises, adding to the landscape surrounding Philadelphia City Hall.
But the park already has a permanent coffee shop — does it really need another?
That’s the question raised by public art activist Conrad Benner. In a widely-read post on his Streets Dept. blog, he called the new kiosk an example of “bad leadership” in Philly.
“This is crossing a line for most Philadelphians,” Benner told Billy Penn. “It’s an absurd abuse of power for a private corporation to open up a Starbucks in a public park.”
Benner’s argument appears to have hit a nerve. His tweet on the topic has been shared several hundred times, and it landed him an interview on a CBS3 news broadcastGrub Street even picked up the story.
“You’re kidding right?” wrote one Twitter user. “CCD took ‘public space’ in the new Dilworth Park and leased it to Starbucks?” Similarly, “[t]here is absolutely no need for a #starbucks in Dilworth Park,” tweeted a different Philly resident. “Please reconsider.”
For decades a barren expanse of concrete, the city’s central plaza has undergone a transformation since the Center City District took over management four years ago. Per CCD figures, more than 10.8 million people used the park in 2018. It now sports a kid-friendly fountain that turns into an ice rink and regularly hosts festivals, fairs, art shows, performances, pop-up markets, and other events.
The Center City District maintains that building the walk-up cafe — which was approved after public hearings last year — is a positive move.
“The idea came about as a way both to buffer and activate that part of the park,” said CCD spokesperson JoAnn Loviglio, “making it more pedestrian friendly and bringing additional options to visitors.”
So which is it — egregious misuse or public amenity?
Here’s a look at the main arguments for and against the mini Starbucks.

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